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Wednesday, 2 January 2013

How to become more attractive?

The good news is that you don’t need plastic surgery!!
Contrary to common beliefs your level of attractiveness is not constant but it keeps changing continuously based on your actions, behavior and thoughts.
Research has shown that both men and women can change their perception of someone's attractiveness without any changes happening to his physical looks if few small things that count were changed.
You don’t have to undergo a plastic surgery in order to become more attractive nor you should become depressed if you don’t like your looks simply because your levels of attractiveness can be manually changed.

Tips that can make you more attractive

  • Votes do count!!: A research has shown that a person is perceived to be more attractive if people from the opposite sex were seen to smile to him. This means that when more people smile at you then you will appear more attractive especially if they were from the opposite sex. Being nice never works, but being nice to others work :)
  • What makes people attractive?: Attraction happens on the unconscious level which means that logic has nothing to do with the process. Women become attracted to men who posses masculine traits because this gives them the sense of protection they are looking for. This means that making your voice deeper, standing tall, working out to build muscles or stretching your shoulders can make you 10 times more attractive.
  • Colors can change perceived attractiveness: Wearing certain colors can affect the way people see you and how certain colors can make you more attractive. Research has shown that women who wear red are perceived to be more attractive while men who wear blue are perceived to be loyal and trust worthy and this in turn increases their attractiveness.
  • Self confidence attracts everyone, from friends to potential partners: People who appear to be self assured, who don’t act in a clumsy way and who seem to know their direction in life are perceived to be very attractive by everyone. You wont only attract potential partners by acting confident but you will make more friends and will have more fans.
  • Research has shown that smiling makes people more attractive: An experiment was made and some men were shown pictures of various women. It was found that the smile increased the perceived attractiveness of women who used to look normal
  • Charisma: It was also found that charismatic people are perceived to be much more attractive than normal people. Make sure you walk confidently; maintain eye contact and use the body language confidence gesture (Hands behind back, hands clasped in front of stomach and standing tall)

Attraction and psychology

Each person has a certain way of assessing the attractiveness of others.
This way is usually developed as a result of the experiences a person goes through in his life.
If a person was raised without being cared for that much then there is a big possibility that he will be more attracted to kind and nurturing people.
Once you understand the need this person have you can act in a way that makes you appear much more attractive to him. You can make people find you much more attractive by just displaying the traits that they are looking for.

Attractiveness halo effect

What is attractiveness halo effect?
It was found that people assume that good looking ones have additional good traits and qualities.
According to the attractiveness halo effect its quite common for people to think that beautiful people are more intelligent, competent and successful than others.
Many researches have been done to test the attractiveness halo effect and some of them found that attractive people received more help than less attractive ones while others found that attractive people get lighter punishments in courts if their crime wasn't related to their attractiveness.
According to the attractiveness halo effect this phenomenon happens unconsciously and people aren't aware that the attractiveness of the other person has anything to do with their biased judgment.

What causes the attractiveness halo effect?

So we now know that this attractiveness halo effect is present but the question is, what causes it?
There are many explanations but few of them made a lot of sense to me. The continues programming people received through the media made them unconsciously associate attractiveness with good qualities.
For example, In any Hollywood movie you will find that the attractive guy is the good guy, the wealthy guy and the one who always becomes successful at the end of the movie.
I have read an interesting study that said that attractive people are actually more intelligent than none attractive ones. The study claimed that the resourceful man who has above average intelligence and who is successful will usually look for an attractive woman to marry thus give birth to beautiful and intelligent children!!
The Attractiveness halo effect can also be explained in the light of the good feelings we get when being around attractive people. When someone makes you feel good your mind will start to think positively and as a result you might assign him good qualities even if you know nothing about him.

More on the Attractiveness halo effect

Provided that all other factors are equal attractive people are more likely to get better jobs, to have more friends and to earn more money!!
Could this all be happening because of the attractiveness halo effect?
Yes this might be possible because after all success in life is heavily dependent upon your relationships with others and if most people believe that you have many good qualities then certainly you will get more opportunities than others.

Attractiveness and cultures

Does a culture affect attractiveness?
Are there universal standards for beauty or is there a variation in such standards across different cultures??
Long ago in cultures where food was scarce heavy women were regarded as more attractive than slim ones. According to the culture at that time being heavy meant that the women was wealthy enough to buy the scare food. Later on when food became widely available and people started associating obesity with unhealthiness slim women became more attractive.
Definitely the culture affects attractiveness in a way or another. Long ago a tan was completely unattractive as it usually indicated that the person had to work outdoors most of the time and that was not rich enough to work in an office. These days the opposite is true because of the change in culture. Nowadays a tan usually indicates that the person is wealthy enough to think about getting tanned and to travel to somewhere that can help him get tanned.

Culture affects perceived attractiveness

There is no doubt that culture affects perceived attractiveness but the important question is, is there a universal culture that makes beauty standards the same all over the world?
Research has shown that even if there are slight variations in preferences among people still there are general beauty standards that everyone agrees upon across all cultures.
Because of globalization, the wide use of the internet and the advancement in the telecommunications industry the western culture has managed to promote its beauty standards to the whole world and to almost every culture.
Isolated tribes that have their own culture and that are not exposed to any other cultures still have their own unique beauty standards and their unique definition for attractiveness. This shows that if each culture was isolated from the others then attractiveness measures would have been completely different from a culture to another.

Individual Attractiveness preferences and culture

Culture isn't the only thing that determines attractiveness because it was found that each person has his own attractiveness standards that he learned as a result of his past experiences.

For example if a person lives in a culture that taught him that slim women are attractive then this person might get attracted to a slim woman but in the same time he will add his own preferences in order to be able to choose from the many slim women he knows.
While a big part of attraction is biological (for example men are attracted to women who have hour glass body shape since ancient times) still the culture can play a role in tweaking these attractiveness standards.

Do likes attract

Some people claim that likes attract each other and they support their claims by lots of studies that were carried out that showed that people become attracted to those who are similar to them.
Others say that opposites attract and that a person is usually attracted to the one who has the traits that he lacks.
Which opinion is correct? and how to use such information to make someone fall in love with you?
In fact, both are correct, let me explain how.

Both are correct

Any person would like to eat food that looks familiar, after all most people won't feel comfortable about eating something that looks strange and the same happens to relationships. People get attracted to those who are similar to them because they feel comfortable around them.
But just as people are attracted to those who have similar good traits they are also attracted to those who have the opposite traits of the ones they dislike about themselves.
An intelligent good looking woman who is shy might become attracted to an intelligent (similar) handsome (similar) and confident guy (opposite trait).
So people become attracted to good traits that are similar to the ones that they posses and become attracted to the opposites of their bad traits.

How to make someone fall in love with you?

If you want to attract someone then you must display similar traits to the one he likes about himself and opposite traits to the ones he dislikes about himself.
If for example a girl is in love with her father then resembling her father's behavior would give you a cutting edge when trying to make her love you but if she hates her father then that would have exactly the opposite effect!!
So its not about being similar or being different but its about understanding your target then providing the right mixture of similarity and differences based upon his likes and dislikes.

How to attract someone into your life

In many of the articles i wrote about attraction i said that the perceived desirability of a person is much more important than his real desirability.
If the three best friends of a girl believed that a guy is desirable then certainly the girl will eventually acquire the same beliefs, not because the guy is desirable but because she thought that everyone likes him.
When trying to attract someone lots of people mistakenly assume that they should try to only impress the person himself while in fact, its extremely important to impress the people surrounding that person too so that you can manipulate his world.

Each one of us lives in a different world

Each one of us has main characters in his own world whom he spends the most time with. The beliefs a person builds about life doesn't usually need to be true as long as they can perfectly describe what's going on in his little world.
I previously said that research has shown that if members of the opposite sex believed that someone is desirable then a bystander of the same sex will develop the same belief about the person. ..
In short one of the keys to attract a person to your life is to program the minds of the key people in his life whenever possible because that certainly will affect his beliefs about you.

How to attract someone to you?

In order to attract someone you first need to capture his attention. Showing the person that you posses good traits that he lacks, showing him that you are superior to him or being different in any other way can help you attract the attention.
Once attention is attracted you can work on intensifying this attraction by displaying your good traits one by one.
As soon as attraction reaches a certain level you should then move on to the final step which is turning this attraction into obsession. (see How to attract someone)
By sending the person mixed signals that confuses him like showering him with attention one day and ignoring him the other day the person will start to become obsessed with you.
At this point you can confidently say that you managed to attract his attention.

How to attract someone who is not interested (Based on attraction psychology)

Whenever someone thinks about something a lot he starts to become attached to it and he thinks about it even more. Large companies understand this fact and that's why they keep bombarding you with ads all the time.
The subconscious mind absorbs new beliefs by repetition and if something pleasant was repeated enough times the person will become attached to it.
So what does this has to do with attracting someone who is not interested in you?
actually if you managed to let someone think about you more often you will be only few steps away from making him fall in love with you even if he wasn't interested in you at all.
Love is nothing more than the state of being obsessed with someone and thinking about him a lot. If you want to attract someone who is not interested in you then you must first learn how to let him think about you more often.

Attracting someone who is not interested means occupying his thoughts

Don't confuse attraction with attracting attention. Its completely easy to attract someone's attention for few moments by doing anything extraordinary or even stupid but after he returns home he wont remember you anymore.
Successful attraction happens when you attract attention in such a way that the person thinks about you even after you leave.
The process of attraction starts by attracting the attention of the target, but not any kind of attention, you want to show him that you have qualities that he is desperately in need of. In such a case even if that person wasn't interested in you he will become attracted to you.
Every person in this world longs for certain traits and would become attracted to anybody who posses them. For example some women are attracted to ambitious men because its a trait that shows that this man might become somebody one day, some men are attracted to women who are demanded by other men because it makes them believe that they have high status. Now the reason someone might not be interested in you is that you didn't show him that you have these traits he is in need of.
Before you try to attract someone's attention try to first collect information about him and to find out the things that would impress him the most.
Does self confidence impress him?
Will perceived popularity impress him?
Can kindness impress her?
Will will power impress her?
The biggest mistake people make when trying to impress others is that they use one size fits all strategies without understanding that what would impress a person might not impress the other.

Turning attraction into obsession

In the beginning you must be available a lot if not all the time so that you make sure that you don't get forgotten. After all the battle for attention is fierce and lots of other things will be competing with you for the attention of that person you are targeting.
You don't just have to be available but you have to keep displaying the impressive qualities you have each time you appear as long as the person is still not interested in you.
Once the person becomes attached to you and gets used to your existence in his life start sending mixed signals, for example become very interested in him one day then completely ignore him the other day.
Keep on sending mixed signals and the other person will start to wonder what are you up to or whether you really like him or not. At this point you can congratulate yourself because you are starting occupying his thoughts.
Keep on doing this and he will think about you even more until he will find it extremely hard to be without you and at this point he is the one who is going to chase you.

What makes a man appear attractive to woman

what attracts women to a man

Are women attracted to handsome men?
Does a tall man have an advantage over a short man?
Do unattractive men have got good chances in appealing to attractive women?
What really attracts women?
I am always against generalizations because ,as we all know, for every rule there are exceptions especially with controversial topics such as attractiveness, however, Recent researchers have managed to determine to a great extent the preference of the majority of women and the traits they look for in a man.
In this article i will tell you what attracts women to a man according to latest research findings (and of course there are exceptions).

What makes a man appear attractive to woman

  • The difference between Good looking and attractive: Most people confuse the term "good looking" with the word "attractive", good looking means that the person has attractive physical features while attractive in general means that the overall traits and qualities of that person makes him attractive. Women are attracted to attractive men not just good looking ones.
  • Women care less about looks than men do: Most men give looks a very high priority to the extent that it could be the basis for their decision in some cases. While women do care about looks they don't give it as much importance as men do. Most Women focus more on the personality traits and the qualities of a man
  • Protection: Most women need a man who can protect them, protect their children and ensure the safety of the family this results in letting most women become attracted to confident, charismatic, resourceful, rich, strong, brave and ambitious men. Each of these traits makes a woman feel more secure and so they make the man appear more attractive
  • Well built and healthy men attract women: Men who are tall, well built, with broad shoulders and who have a healthy look are considered much more attractive to women than ordinary men
  • Social proof and status: A research has shown that women are more attracted to men who managed to attract other attractive females. Popularity, high status and being surrounded by fans gives any man a strong advantage against other men.

why am i bored with life (boredom explained)

Ever wondered why things that used to be very interesting seem boring now?
Do you remember the excitement you felt the first time you started using a computer or browsing the internet?
Why do you feel bored now even though you are doing the things that used to make you excited?
The answer is simple, its all about relative experience!!

This is why you are bored with your life

A study has shown that men find their wives less attractive right after watching charlies angles on TV. This happens because our minds always compares our new life experiences to our past life experiences.
This means that you might get bored of something that used to be exciting just because you have been through something that is more exciting.
This also explains why little children seem to be excited about almost everything. Because they don't have any past life experience everything seems new and exciting.
Moreover, it was found that a person might rate his old friends more positively right after being treated in a bad way by a stranger. For example if someone you just met betrayed you then you will rate your old friends in a more positive way even though they did nothing good to you.
Your friends were considered OK but after someone did a terrible thing they will became angels compared to him!!
The same goes for boredom, the more you experience different new things that are exciting the less exciting will your old habits become.

Unmet needs and boredom in life

Is there something you could never get bored of?
Yes there is !!
As long as you have unmet needs you are never going to get bored when trying to fulfill them. For example you can easily get bored of food if you were not Hungry but if you were really hungry then food will become very interesting.
Your unmet needs might be social, financial, material or spiritual. As long as those needs aren't met you will never get bored of the things that help you satisfy them. The reason many people feel bored in life is that they never go after the things that can help them satisfy their important needs.
By doing this you won't only be combating boredom but you will also be improving your mood. Key to real happiness is solving your unsolved problems and fulfilling your unmet needs.
If for example your unmet needs were social then you will never get bored of any activity that allows you to make new friends. Unlike physical needs, unmet emotional needs require a lot of time and effort to be met and so they can keep you busy for a while.

how to attract someone you love

How does it feel like to watch the same movie more than once?
Certainly in the second or third time you will start to get bored.
But why do we get bored of movies when we see them more than once?
Its because we know what will happen next and so the excitement fades away.
When it comes to attraction the same rule applies. People are rarely attracted to predictable people because they are considered boring, instead, mystery intensifies attraction and leads to more passion.

Attraction, mystery and the brain

What is the difference between being seen driving a 1 series BMW (the cheapest one) and being seen holding a BMW key?
In the second situation people will try to figure out the type of BMW you are driving and because most BMW keys look the same they might believe that you are driving a 7 series (a real expensive car). Moreover some people will wonder who is that guy driving such an expensive car? and what does he do for a living?
so what does this has to do with attraction?
Attraction is all about learning how to occupy a part of the person's thoughts. Once a person starts wondering you are and once you occupy some of his thoughts it will be very easy to take him to the next step which to let him think about you more.
If you want to attract someone you love then you must be mysterious and unpredictable but in the same time you must provide little information that governs the person's imagination (the car key in the previous example was the little information)

Uniqueness and Attraction

Everyone knows that all people are unique but most people fail to advertise their uniqueness to others. They dress like everyone else, they talk like everyone else, they follow the crowd and even when they start a conversation with someone they like they follow the traditional talking pattern.
In order for you to haunt someone's mind you need to appear different, unique and one of a kind. Attraction starts with capturing attention then once you capture someone's attention you will be able to show him your other qualities and thus elevate his interest in you.
People are bombarded by tons of information from numerous sources each day and because of that their attention span became very narrow in such a way that only what's really different remains and all other events are discarded.
Have you ever seen a flying car? I am sure you never did but what if you saw one?
You will remember it for certain
you will Wonder where it come from
and you will tell your friends about it
The same goes for attraction, unless you appear to be a flying car you might not get any attention.

Impressing the interested

Once you manage to attract attention you can go on with the next step which is displaying your best qualities to other person indirectly so that you impress them. People hate those who show off and prefer to discover your good qualities on their own.
Don't show off directly, just give them clues and let them discover the rest on their own. Once a person became impressed you can then start showing up often until he gets used to your presence then disappear all of a sudden for few days.
if he started missing you then congrats, you have successfully attracted him to you.

How to attract someone to you

Disclaimer: The information i provide in this blog should not be used for fooling innocent people, dating or playing around but instead the information is provided for those who are serious about a long term relationship that has marriage as its final goal, I am not responsible for the misuse of such information.
So how to attract someone you like?
and is there some kind of a method that could help you attract people?
Yes there is. The human mind is governed by certain laws that control its operation. If you managed to understand these laws correctly you will be able to manipulate it and use it to your side. In this article i am going to tell you how to attract someone you like by manipulating his mind.

Step by step guide to attracting someone to you

  • It starts with attention: Each day people are bombarded with events, advertisements, phone calls and thoughts. Each of these items usually occupy the person's mind for few seconds to few minutes before they are completely forgotten. The same happens with people, they usually forget those they were with few moments after they leave unless something catches their attention. The first step to attract someone to you is to catch his attention by showing him that you are different and unlike all other people. Don't confuse this with love or attraction, you just want to let the person remember you so that you occupy a little more of his thoughts
  • Turning attention to obsession After you manage to catch the person's attention you should then move on to step two. The human mind always fills the gaps by making conclusions about people and the larger the gap seems the harder will it be for the mind to fill it quickly. If you managed to give little exciting information about you then the person you want to attract will spend a lot of time trying to fill the gap. You should only give the person the starting point for his thoughts by displaying interesting information about you and then allowing his mind to fill the gap with his wide imagination
  • Impressing the obsessed: If you did the previous steps successfully the person will think about you a lot (still he wont be attracted to you) and will try to understand you more because you seem mysterious. At this point you can display all of the impressing qualities that you posses especially the ones that the other person lacks. For example if the person you are trying to attract is shy then you should display self confidence.
  • Play on his unmet needs If the person you want to attract lacks intimacy then provide him with intimacy, if he lacks confidence show him that you are confident or if he is afraid of life then show him that you have a lot of courage.People are attracted to those who have great qualities that they lack and to those who have similar traits to the ones they like about themselves
  • Turning obsession into need and desire: Once the person becomes obsessed with you the next step should be showing less often and agreeing with your best friends to talk about you positively in your absence in front of him/her. For example one of your friends might say "that guy is brilliant, no wonder all girls all chasing him" By doing so you aren't only providing social proof to the person but you are also igniting his passion as you are not always available. Don't be predictable and declare your emotions right away because what's predictable is considered boring
At this point the person should have fell for you. Use this information wisely please.

The subconscious mind

The subconscious mind:

Think of the subconscious mind as the storage room of everything that is currently not in your conscious mind.
The subconscious mind stores all of your previous life experiences, your beliefs, your memories, you skills, all situations you've been through and all images you've ever seen.
The best way to understand the subconscious mind is to look at the example of the person who wants to learn how to drive a car. At the beginning he wouldn't be able to hold a conversation with anyone while driving as he would be focusing on the different moves involved. That's because he's still using his conscious mind to drive.

The subconscious mind; your Autopilot!

Few weeks later driving becomes a natural habit that happens automatically without needing to think about it. That person could even start using his cell phone or talking to his friends while driving.
This happened because the driving habit has been transferred to his subconscious mind and so the conscious mind become free. This allowed him to use it to talk in his cell phone.
The subconscious mind is responsible for the automatically triggered feelings and emotions that you suddenly experience upon facing a new situation. If you were about to give a presentation then all the fear and anxiety feelings you might experience are in fact launched and controlled by your subconscious mind.
The conscious mind is, on the other hand, responsible for logic, calculations and all actions that are performed while you are conscious. The subconscious mind also controls other functions in your body like breathing and heart beats.
Another good example that can help you better understand the subconscious mind is the process of breathing. Before you started reading the previous line your breathing was controlled by your subconscious.
I want you now to try and control your breathing for one minute. You will be able to do so of course. This time it was the conscious mind that was controlling your breathing,but when you let go of your focus your subconscious mind will takeover again.

How you can you program your subconscious mind

When the information about driving is stored into your subconscious mind it's stored as a program. Think of your mind as a computer and the driving information as software that can be run automatically whenever needed.
The same goes for lots of other activities and emotions. If someone annoyed you the installed program of anger is going to be launched and the result will be a behavior that you may regret later.
By programming the subconscious mind with new programs you can fix many problems in your personality. Just make sure that your autopilot is capable of running your system without ruining your life or causing you any problems.
Programming your subconscious can be done through hypnosis. The subconscious mind learns by repetition and not by logic. This is why you can convince someone to believe in something by repeating your argument again and again rather than using logic. For more information on this topic see the guide to the psychology of convincing.

Rules of the subconscious mind

In order to best use the power of your subconscious mind you must first know how the subconscious mind works. The subconscious mind is governed by many rules.
Learning about these rules will allow you to make the best use out of your subconscious mind with the least effort. At the bottom of the article is a link that contains all the information you need to know about the rules of the subconscious mind.

Ego defense mechanisms

Just like your body has got its defenses against physical wounds and injuries your subconscious mind has got its defenses against emotional shocks and wounds.
These are called ego deface mechanism or unconscious defense mechanisms. The ego defense mechanisms' main function is to protect your well-being and to help you overcome emotional shocks.

The subconscious mind and forgetting about someone

The main reason people stay broken after breakups is that they have false beliefs about relationships stored in their subconscious minds.Getting rid of beliefs like "the one" or "the soul mate" help you forget about anybody in few days.
As soon as someone gets rid of these beliefs he will realize that he can one day find another person who replaces the one who left him and so recovery happens.

Using your conscious and subconscious mind together

The conscious and the subconscious mind can make a great team if you used them together. The first can handle some tasks then assigns them to the second while the second can send feedback and messages about the task in the form of emotions to the first.
Emotions are no more than message sent by your subconscious mind in order to notify you about something.
By learning how to make the best use of the cooperation between your conscious and subconscious mind your life skills will improve and you will have much more control over your emotions.

How to attract someone you like

The reason lots of people fail to attract the ones they want is that they have false beliefs about attraction. For example a girl might believe that she needs to look like a super model in order to attract a guy ,while in fact, people fall for people who are much less attractive than the ones they used to dream of.
The reason people settle for ordinary persons is that the process of attraction is governed by the subconscious mind which doesn't always use logic to ignite emotions.

Some important Attraction principles

Below are some of the most important principles that governs attachment:
  • Attachment leads to attraction: Once someone gets used to a person or once a person believes that someone can help him meet some of his emotional needs he will become attached to him. If that other person didn't show up as frequently as expected the attachment grows and might even turn into passion. As soon as you capture someone's attention don't always be available
  • Attachment happens if its not impossible: While some people fall in love with celebrities still the majority of people would never fall in love with a person whom they don't interact with directly. This means that being available around the person you like would certainly trigger attachment provided that you act correctly whenever you are around him. Don't confuse this with the previous point, you need to be available until attachment starts to happen and once you see that happening you need to be less available
  • Show off Indirectly: People hate others who show off directly but they adore those who show off indirectly!! Try to tell the new people you just met that you have a great expensive car parking outside and see their reaction now compare this to putting your car keys on the table in front of them without talking about it. In the second case you will be regarded as more resourceful and you will earn higher status without being labeled showy. In short, help people discover good things about you without talking about them
  • Predictability kills passion: People get bored of the things they are familiar with because they can expect the next event before it happens. The same goes for predictable people, if everything you did was predictable and expected then people will get bored of you quickly. Instead try to confuse the person you like by sending mixed signals, that would be enough to let him think about you more often
  • Thinking leads to attachment: If you managed to occupy a part of the other person's mind then most probably this will let him become attached to you over time. Its a game of attention, the more attention you get the more attached will the other person be

Tips to become happy

Everyone wants to be happy but most people never manage to do it.
Even when people manage to find short term happiness soon they find themselves feeling down once again as if their happiness evaporated for no reason.
The main reason people never manage to become happy for long periods of time is the lack of understanding of emotions in general and specifically of happiness itself.
In this article i will give you some tips that will help you become happy and maintain your happiness.

Quick happiness tips

  • Solving unsolved problems: Unsolved problems are the main reason for mood swings, as soon as you encounter something that would remind you of an unsolved problem you will feel bad. The first step to becoming happy is to solve your unsolved problems
  • Getting rid of the things that ruin your life: How many people suffer everyday because they hate their job and how many couples feel bad everyday because of a dissatisfying relationship? If you want to be truly happy then you must get rid of the things that ruin your life
  • Stop worrying? No you can't just press a stop button: Emotions are nothing more than messages your subconscious mind sends you in order to take certain actions. Worries are emotions sent to you by your mind to remind you of your existing problems. The only solution to kill worrying is to reassure your mind that you are prepared for facing this problem, else you will never manage to stop worrying and you wont become happy
  • The Physical state and mental state are connected: If you didn't sleep well you will feel irritated, if you were exhausted you are very less likely to feel happy and so on. Your physical state is highly connected to your mental state and living a healthy life style is one of the important components for happiness
  • Avoid negative people: Emotions are transferred between people very fast. Spending a day with a stressed person is very likely to make you stressed too. Avoid negative people whenever possible if you want to be happy.

Happiness and taking actions

Its clear from the previous tips that happiness doesn't come out of nowhere and that unless you take actions you might not be happy.
Many people mistakenly believe that happiness can be found or acquired instantly without understanding that there is some homework required. The reason many "get happy right now" methods are popular even though they never work is that most want the easy way and are too lazy to do something.
If Happiness is extremely important to you then why don't you put some effort in order to acquire it.

Attraction psychology of women, Learn how attraction works for women

The biggest mistake most people do when trying to attract women is assuming that there is a one size fits all solution.
While there are certain things that can appeal to the general population of women such as self confidence or social status still each women is a special case and attracting her requires knowing more about the psychology of attraction.
Before you think about attracting a certain women you should consider understanding her first. When you understand attraction psychology of women you will know how a woman thinks and you will know the things that can really impress her.
Right after knowing these things all you need to do is to market yourself to her the right way. In this article i will tell you about attraction psychology of women.

Psychological facts about attraction for women

Now you know that according to the psychology of attraction that not all women think the same way but certainly each woman will have at least one of the below items in her wish list:
  • Alpha Males Attract most women: Women are attracted to strong, influential and charismatic men. Ask any girl about her dream guy and she will give you one of the famous good looking celebrities as an example now wait until she gets married and see if there is any match between the man she married and the celebrity she dreamed of. One of the interesting thing about psychology of attraction for women is that when they think logically about attraction they use different parameters for selection than the ones they use when they unconsciously become attracted to someone
  • Social status or ambition attracts most women: According to the psychology of attraction most Women need protection and so one of the things that makes them feel secure is being with a man with a high social status or an ambitious man, simply because that ambitious man is very likely to have high social status one day!! A research found that a man who drives an expensive car is perceived to be much more attractive than a man who drives a normal car
  • Self confidence Attracts most women:self confidence is the only trait that appeals to 99 percent of women and that makes a man much more attractive. If you want to attract women then build self confidence
  • What about nice guys? First let me give you the definition of the word nice so that you get me correctly. A nice guy is the one who lets the woman take charge, who does everything to make her happy even if the cost was his own happiness, who calls her all the time and who chases her. According to the psychology of attraction of women nice guys don't just finish last but they don't finish at all!! women need to feel secure by being close to a dominant male who takes the lead instead of a nice guy. If you became a crowd pleaser then you will never attract women
  • Popularity & Attraction : Certainly popularity is a factor that influences attraction. A Psychological research found that women find men more attractive when they see other women smiling to them!! that's just a smile, what about a man who has many fans??
  • Do women care about Looks? According to the psychology of attraction of women, women don't care about looks as much as men do but they certainly become attracted to healthy men who are well built. luckily you can start exercising, go to the gym and change your body shape right now, that's completely possible

Final words about attracting women

2knowmyself is a not a dating website and it doesn't support any relationship that won't lead to marriage. The advice present here is for informational purposes only or for people who want to use them correctly.
One final thing, remember that not all women are the same and you must do a bit of a research to know what will attract that certain woman so that your marketing becomes more effective.

Interpersonal attraction

Interpersonal attraction is the attraction that happens between people that leads to the formation of either friendship or romantic relationships. Interpersonal attraction doesn’t only describe the attraction that happens between different sexes but it also explores the reasons that make certain people become friends.
By understanding interpersonal attraction you will be able to understand, why do you have certain friends and not some others and you will also know why you get attracted to certain people and not to others.

Similarity & Interpersonal attraction

People get attracted to those who are similar to them in their values, beliefs, background and interests. This happens because one of the strong forces that affects attraction is the desire to feel comfortable around the people you are with.

If a friend of yours has got dissimilar values and beliefs you may not find yourself that comfortable when being around him and so you may not get attracted to him.
Likes attract likes and this goes for interpersonal attraction too. People tend to look for those who are similar to them because they feel more comfortable with the known than the unknown.
This also explains why the people you spend lots of time with everyday become your friends. (your room mate, or work colleagues). The more time you spend with a person the more you will feel comfortable around him and the more likely you will become friends. The desire to feel secure while being around your friends has a strong influence on the choice of both your friends and your romantic partner.
For example by convincing the person's subconscious mind that there are lots of similarities between you and him you are actually increasing the chance of making him fall in love with you.
Its important to convince the person's subconscious mind and not his conscious mind because you don't want him to become aware of the fact that you are trying to convince him to believe in something. If the person didn't notice this he will just feel that you are similar to each other without knowing why.

Physical attractiveness

You may think that physical attractiveness is only important in romantic relationships however it was found that physical attractiveness plays an important role in friendship with the same sex .People tend to become attracted to others who seem physically attractive even if they were of the same sex.
This usually happens because the media hypes attractive and good looking people by sending a message to everyone saying that they are heroes. Beauty standards will differ from a country to another however with the arrival of globalization and the advance in communication technology i assume that world wide beauty standards are being defined.
People with poor self Image will definitely choose friends who look attractive and they may even avoid people who don't seem attractive to them.

Friend’s upgrades and downgrades

One of the important factors that your mind looks for when you look for potential friend is the amount of benefit you will get out of that friend. Have you ever met someone you already know then after you spoke about certain topics you decided to get closer to him?
This happened because your mind discovered that you could reap many potential benefits if you got closer to that person.
The same happens when you decide not to approach someone anymore. This happens because your mind discovers that being close to that person might result in problems.

How to attract people to you

After using Facebook for three years I realized that different people comment on my status updates depending on the topic I mention in each status.
In the beginning I noticed that I am only attracting comments from close friends but as I started to mention completely different topics in my status I noticed that I am attracting people who were never attracted to my status before.
In my article Interpersonal attraction I explained how people get attracted to those who resonate with their beliefs, values and interests.
This brings us to a very important conclusion, in order to attract people to you you first need to understand how those people think, what their interests are and what do they believe in.

There is no general formula for attracting people

Based on these facts we can conclude that what would attract Sam won’t attract Bob and what Sarah would find interesting might be completely boring to Jessica.
Do you know how marketers attract people to buy their products? They first determine the type of people they want to attract and then they customize their ads and campaigns to match the interests of those people.
In short, in order to attract people to you then you need to understand what makes them tick. I want you to remember how you met your current friends and what are the reasons that made you become friends
You will find that something was common between you both that motivated you to become closer to each other before you became good friends.

How to make people like you

Making someone like, admire you or even love you requires that you first attract the attention of this person. We fall in love with those we see often and those who are similar to us the most.
While the type of attraction I was talking about in this article is not enough to make someone fall for you still it’s the very first step needed in order to attract a potential partner.

Practical steps for attracting people to you

So enough with theory and lets focus on the practical part, here is how to attract people to you:
  • Determine the type of people you want to attract: You need to know your target market just like marketers do
  • Understand them very well: You need to study those people well, understand how they think, behave and what they believe in.
  • Likes attract likes: As soon as you show signs of similarity those people you are after will get attracted to you
Very simple yet very effective
Try it yourself and see the results